However, understanding specifically what the user means by “it’s slow” and being able to reproduce it at will decreases the difficulty of performance troubleshooting by an order of magnitude. Just like when you bring your car to a mechanic and the problem “goes away” by itself, pinning down performance problems can be difficult. S poradic Azure Virtual Desktop Performance Problems There are four likely areas that should be investigate d when users report poor performance and this write-up will be organized in the following order:
This is not meant to be an exhaustive guide for every possible deployment scenario, but rather an easy-to-follow, practical approach that leverages only free, built-in tools for performance monitoring such as the Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Azure Monitor. In this article, we'll explore a practical, methodical approach to identifying and resolving common performance issues that arise in AVD environments deployed in Azure. Poor or inconsistent performance is the single biggest reason for an end-user to be unhappy with their virtual desktop and is by far the most common reason for failures of virtual desktop projects. It requires a solid grasp o f the deployment architecture and an understanding of how the various system components interact with each other. Troubleshooting performance issues in virtual desktop environments is challenging.